Keeping it Simple with Pure Goodness

No one can stop the process of ageing, however, we can certainly slow it down. When the signs of ageing become too visisble, many women resort to cosmetic surgeries. For women who dont have enough money to pay for these surgeries, they take quick loans from companies like However, you can also slow down the process naturally. While there is no harm in getting that quick botox treatment for a big party, taking Payday loan commersial, but along with that, you may want to enhance your looks with natural remedies also.

I’m always looking out for any kind of natural remedies for my sensitive skin. Nature is literally bursting with products which are good for our bodies and skin. I’m all about keeping things simple – making use of wonderful products such as honey, cinnamon, lemon and ginger to weave their soothing magic.

skin care Recently while reading a magazine which promotes everything natural, I came across what they called ‘The Clear Skin Elixir’. Having just come through an unattractive red rash on my skin, I was only too willing to give this a try, especially since the article promised it would help clear up a host of conditions. It said to have this smoothie for breakfast or dinner as often as possible. There was a bit of a snag thought – it said to reduce orange juice and dairy – and on a hot Summer day there’s nothing I love more than an icy cold orange juice. But for my skin I was willing to make sacrifices, especially since the article says this skin elixir makes for a more alkaline environment in your body. Making use of 2 apples, 1/2 an avocado, 1/4 cucumber and a stick celery you simply blend them all together and enjoy. The drink is packed with zinc and the skin needs this desperately. I’ve been drinking this for a week now and I swear I’m beginning to see a difference already.

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